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Who I am

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Welcome web with which I want to share with you my vision of the situation of the financial markets and the stock market.


I'm Alejandro Col. Aeronautical Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid since 2012 and Master in Business Executive Management from the ICADE Business School since July 2016. And what does an engineer do writing about the stock market? you will ask I've always liked numbers and I've been good at them, and in the stock market numbers also rule. Although they do not follow the laws of physics, they follow other types of laws and it is those that we will try to explain and understand.


The truth is that I have always liked financial markets. For the last 3 years I have been following them closely and I have been learning and reading on my own, in addition to the basic knowledge about finances acquired during the year in the Master. I guess it's their dynamism that makesno two days are the same, facing new situations every day that change the approaches and the one that has no end. Markets are intrinsic to the human being. They will exist as long as humans survive and adapt to a changing environment over the years.


But no, I'm not an expert. I don't have any specific stock market degree, I haven't worked as a financial adviser, neither in a bank nor in the City. I just worry about my savings and try to learn to have my own criteria. A criterion that is influenced as little as possible by people or companies with other objectives behind it and that what happens to your savings doesn't matter a fig to them.


Saving costs a lot.So much so that sometimes it is a miracle to get it. And thanks to our "friends" the central banks, the savings in the current account bother the bank. They practically do not give you interest and if you get confused they sneak in a maintenance fee. When we have finally collected some money and decided to invest it in the stock market because we have read in the newspaper that the Ibex 35 is going to rise, it turns out that another crisis is coming and our savings are severely decimated. The main objective of this website is to help minimize our investment errors as much as possible. I say minimize and not delete because it is impossible. The stock moves by probabilities. Our objective must be to work to put the maximum probabilities on our part, but they will never be 100%. Nobody knows what will happen in the future, but we can try to put ourselves in the direction in which the wind blows.


The best teachers and bosses I've ever had have always been those who have explained difficult things to me in a simple, concise way, understandable by ordinary mortals. For me, they have always been the smartest people I have ever met. I will try to explain things, speaking clearly, bluntly using everyday metaphors that I like so much to explain concepts. The great advantage of not being an expert with many years of experience in the sector is that you cannot get involved in difficult ideas or topics and you cannot talk about extremely convoluted things that end up boring everyone. It's better to say “I don't know”, take a step back, put things in perspective and stick to the four irrefutable ideas.


I hope that the articles and documents help you understand a little better how the stock market works in the medium/long term, prevent you from buying at the top of a bubble or selling at the bottom of a crisis. If we can do that, we'll already have done better than most.


Let's try to put the heart aside, and leave room for the head.

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